Sunday, May 20, 2007

The Simple Things in Life

As the time draws near for me to leave, I continue to prepare and take care of those last minute details. I have been finishing up final grades for my 5th graders for this last quarter, packing up my classroom, and trying to keep my sanity while working with 30 children, who are just as ready for the summer as their teacher.

In the midst of all of these things, I have been in contact with Pieter in Mozambique. I sent an email a couple of weeks ago, asking if there were any comfort foods/items from the U.S. that they would like me to bring to them. I thought that this would be something fun to do for them, and was really excited about being able to bring them over things to enjoy.

In the reply email I received from Pieter was a short list, some of the things that were included: WE LOVE MEXICAN FOOD!, peanut butter cups, and maybe a soccer ball if you can fit it in your bag.

This list was a reminder to me, that joy can be found in the simple things in life. A burrito is something to be enjoyed, and not taken for granted. The taste of a Reese's Peanut Butter Cup can bring joy to a person's life, when they are not always available. This isn't about finding joy or happiness through eating, that is not my point at all. I am simply realizing that I take so many things for granted in my life, and this American mentality of more is better, has made it difficult to find joy in the simple things of life.

This lesson has given me some things to work on, and I am slowly finding joy and amusement in the simple things around me. This morning I woke up to the sound of bird chirping outside of my open bedroom window. I just sat there in bed and enjoyed the sound. The sound of nature is beautiful! I have been at a leadership retreat all weekend, and on Saturday morning, I woke really early and couldn't get back to sleep. Instead of being upset at my lack of sleep, i got up, showered, and went outside to sit with a good book and enjoy the sun coming up over the horizon. These are things that are available to us everyday, but are often overlooked as things to be joyful about. I could go on and on about simple things that are great (swedish fish candy), but I think that I have said enough and my point has been made.

My challenge for those that are reading this, and those that are in my life, is to find things that are small and often overlooked and enjoy them. Find joy in them, take note of them, and realize that we are so fortunate to be alive, and able to enjoy creation.

Also, I just found out that the baby house in Mozambique just received a new baby boy. They think that he is about one year old, he has no papers, they are not sure if either of his parents are living. They have named him Paulo.

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Blogger jordanne said...

found it.

2:56 PM  

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