Saturday, April 14, 2007

A Boss that Rocks!!

Can I just state, that it has been a major blessing to work for a principal that is a rockstar! He has been nothing but 100% professional while we are at work. I know that I will always have his support in everything that I do. I have also come to the realization that not all administrators have these characteristics, and I am very fortunate to have a boss that is awesome.

You're probably wondering why I am posting this on a blog that is supposed to be about a trip to Africa. It all started on the day that I told him about my possible trip in December. When I told him, I wasn't sure how he would react, because traveling to Africa also meant that I would not be teaching summer school for him. In our conversation, he was so supportive, and was actually excited for me to have this opportunity. That was in December, now fast-forward to yesterday morning.

I am in the front office of our school, and he waves me into his office, we are working on some things school/work related, our conversation turns to my upcoming adventure to Mozambique. He asks me how I was doing with my preparations(shots, planning, ect.). I started to share a few details, the fact that I am so excited to be on my way to Maputo, that I have a hard time not thinking about the trip every other thought during the day. He leaned in toward me and asked, "What about when you come back?"

The question caught me off guard, and hit right at the heart of some of my most major concerns and worries. I just nodded my head and said, "I'm pretty worried about it," and I went into more details about the concerns that I have about the re-acclamation to American culture after returning from a third world country.

He sat across from me and nodded his head, with a slight grin on his face. He went on to share that he spent a year in Thailand early in his career teaching English. When he came back he was appalled by the culture of America. Our conversation didn't represent anything that was anti-America or that we weren't "proud to be an American," but we did share a moment that we acknowledged that, we as Americans, have our priorities skewed in certain areas of our culture.

He pointed out that when I get back, I will be thrown right back into our culture at the school. He also let me know that if I am struggling with the re-acclamation, that he will always have an ear available to listen, as a person who has went through similar things in his own life.

I am amazed that I am so fortunate to have a boss that is so good at his job, has a high concern for his staff, and truely cares about us outside of work.



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