Thursday, May 31, 2007

What Am I Doing???

It's the day before I leave and I have just rolled out of bed. I'm wondering what in the world have I got myself into! I have hodge-podge of feelings going on inside of me.
A few of them are:
Anxiousness because I have been waiting so long for the day that I finally leave for Mozambique.
Disbelief because I don't think that I will really believe that I am going until I am on the plane.
Worried because I am realizing that two months is a long time to be gone.
Scared because I honestly don't know what to expect
Excited because I am leaving for Africa!
Inadequate because honestly, who doesn't struggle with feelings of inadequacy.

I was laying in bed, letting my mind mix and stir, with it's figurative spoon, these feelings into a recipe of self-doubt. I realized that I needed to get up because I have too many things to do. I know that I am supposed to spend my summer in Mozambique, with Pieter, Rika, and they 13 wonderful children. I know that I am going to have the experience of a lifetime, and I know that I am going to love every minute of it, not wanting to come home when it is over.
It is just that we as humans, always question major decision. Whether it is when we make major purchases and have buyer’s remorse, decide that we should get married, or choose a new career path. It is natural to second-guess ourselves, wondering if we have made the right choice, and experience these feelings that accompany major life altering decisions.
I just didn't see them coming. These feelings where very sneaky and tiptoed in while I was sleeping. It was almost as if they were trying to throw a surprise party for me when I woke up this morning. We had our fun and I catered to their needs while they were here to visit, but know that I have written this down, they have been escorted to the front door and asked to leave (or maybe it is because I am now awake and coherent).
Anyway, words cannot express how excited I am to be leaving tomorrow. In 24 hours I will be on my way to the airport via my friend Amy G.'s airport transferring services (She seems to really enjoy taking friends to the airport. Especially when they are leaving for Africa).
I am not sure that I will be able to post in the next couple of days. It depends if I can get cheap/free wi-fi in the airports. Check back often and tell your friends about my blog. I really enjoy knowing that people are reading my thoughts, experiencing life through my eyes, and participating in my adventure to Africa on a "Quest for a Hippo."



Blogger Unknown said...

Hey, I just checked this out for the first time (sorry it took me so long). I like it. What an awesome idea. I wanted to wish you good luck and tell you to be safe. I will be looking forwarded to heartwarming, shocking, and hysterical stories from you at the 07-08 Mosc.

7:44 PM  
Blogger amy said...

Yes, indeed, I do love taking people to the airport. Especially when they're going to Africa. :)

Happy trails, friend!!

11:12 AM  

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