Sunday, June 22, 2008

Gloria's Water Project

One of my favorite people in Mozambique, shares a close resemblance to Mrs. Butterworth. She brings joy and happiness with her singing and laughter to the baby house. She is the “big momma” of the house, and it would be the same without here. Gloria is one of the hardest working ladies that I have met since being here. She works extremely hard while at the house, looking after the 10 children at the 1st baby house, and then she goes home to take of her daughter, her grandchildren, her boyfriend, and his family. She completes each of her days at home by walking an extremely long distance, at around midnight to a well that turns on in the middle of the night, to get water for her family.

I came to Mozambique this summer, knowing that I wanted to assist in making her life a little bit less difficult by installing water at her house. This last week, we spent two days digging a 2 foot deep trench through a rock and cement road, and to the back of her property. The pipe has been installed and faucet is ready for water. We are now just waiting for the water company of Mozambique to come out and install a water meter and connect the piping to the water main.

Gloria insisted that we let her swing the pickaxe and help with the project at her house. As you can see in the picture below, the neighborhood children thought it was just as funny as we all did. Thank you to the Siler Family for their financial help with this project!


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